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Reforest the deserts of the earth – flora 2 fauna

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Project Name: Flora 2 Fauna
Flora – Latin for “the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period”
Fauna – Latin meaning “god of forests and herdsmen”
Flora2Fauna = Growing Plants to supply food for Animals/Humans

Theron Horticulture has a very ambitious project called Flora2Fauna with the help of some financial backers to grow new forests in the earth’s largest deserts.
We refer to it as Terraforming or earth-shaping.
Turning back the tide of Global Warming, preventing Sand Storms that blow away all topsoil, and in mass-scale growing fodder with hedgerows. This will create millions of jobs and enrich countries that allow us to help them.

Look at these fodder trays. That is 5 days of growth. With only morning dew as water.

Our Business Plan for Flora 2 Fauna

  • Step 1: Hedgerows. Bamboo shoots can grow to an appropriate 12 to 15ft in 5 days.
  • Step 2: Perennials. Fodder can grow to full size in 5 days.
  • Step 3: Free Labor. For the governments or land owners to get workers to plant everything.
See the bamboo above. 5 days of growth with only morning dew as water.

Our goal is to reforest the following deserts over the next 2 – 10 years:

  1. Sahara Desert – North Africa
  2. Arabian Desert – Iran/Iraq/Kuwait/Saudi-Arabia/UAE
  3. Australia Desert
  4. Gobi and Central Asian Deserts – Mostly Russia
  5. Sonoran/Mojave Desert – USA/Mexico
  6. Taklamakan Desert – India/Pakistan
  7. Namib Kalahari Deserts – South Africa/Namibia
  8. Atacama Desert – Mostly Chile

Step 1. Wind block Hedgerows

Our plan at Flora2Fauna is hedgerows of bamboo that can act as wind barriers and create shade, grown in blocks and filled in those blocks with any flora (plants) that could be used for food for all fauna (animals/humans). Terraforming or earth-shaping.

In traditional Chinese medicine, bamboo shoots are used to ease labor and the expulsion of the placenta by inducing uterine contractions. A poultice of the shoots is often used for cleaning wounds and healing infections. Bamboo shoot decoction taken along with honey is used to treat respiratory disorders.

Bamboo is a versatile material, used to make paper and bed sheets. It is also strong enough to use as scaffolding for skyscrapers and has a long history of use in vertical construction. In addition, the material is in demand as flooring and decorative elements due to its biophilic design aesthetic.

The hedgerows will be grown from bamboo and here is why:
Bamboo Grows Fast – Like Really Fast. According to Guinness World Records, some species of bamboo can grow up to 2.91 ft/day — or, 1.5 inches/hr

How fast does bamboo spread?

Temperate, running bamboos like Phyllostachys are noteworthy for their aggressive, monopodial rhizome roots. Thankfully, they won’t spread at a rate of 2-3 feet a day, but their growth rate is formidable and something to be aware of. They can easily spread twice that much in a year.

As of yet, the Guinness Book of World Records has not taken the time to measure the speed at which a grove of bamboo can grow outward. And again, this pace depends greatly on the variety of bamboo and its growing conditions.

Phyllostachys, as mentioned above, is one of the fastest-spreading genera of running bamboo. P. aureaP. bissetii and P. aureosulcata are some of the most invasive species to watch out for. You might not notice in the first season or two, but once established, they can really spread out of control. (Remember the famous proverb: “The first year it sleeps, the second year it creeps, the third year it leaps.”)

Other varieties of bamboo might be much smaller in stature. But don’t be fooled, their running roots can be incredibly vigorous. Many species of PleioblastusSasa, and Sasaella fall into this category. In a warm climate with good sun exposure and adequate water supply, their footprints can easily spread several feet a year. In a shadier spot or a cold climate, they won’t spread as fast. But you’ll still need to keep an eye on them.

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